Progress is our choice. Make it yours. 

As a parent, guardian or relative of a child in Delaware public schools …

As a business owner who hires graduates of First State schools …

As a school leader who wants students to succeed …

First State Educate wants to support you and work together to improve conditions for teaching and learning across the state.

Where We Are 

Only about 24% of our eighth graders can read at their grade level, while only 18% can perform math at their level, according to the National Assessment of Educational Progress. More than 18,000 parents who work in Delaware live in Pennsylvania so their children can attend public schools there instead of in Delaware. 

This is not acceptable. FSE is working to help Delaware do better.

State Assessment Scores


40% of students were proficient in English in the 2023-2024 school year.


33% of students were proficient in Math in the 2023-2024 school year.

Where We Need To Be

Our students won’t get results by simply tweaking Delaware’s existing approach. 

They will succeed when adults commit to reinventing our system entirely with a dedicated focus – where every decision, from school districts to the state level, will improve our students’ performance and their futures. 

Imagine a Delaware where 75% or 100% of our students are learning at grade level, and how that would lift our civic, social and economic environments. Imagine our students with limitless potential to build our state and nation. 

Act now with us to ensure that change happens.