Board of Directors
Delaware's success depends on its people. The success of its people depends on quality education. Delaware's educational opportunities depend on all of us. The Delaware leaders serving on our board use their experience to champion better learning opportunities statewide. We thank them for their dedication.
Desa Burton
Executive Director, ZipCode Wilmington
Leader of a nationally recognized nonprofit coding school preparing software developers and data engineers for new careers. Former Navy surface warfare officer, intellectual property attorney, adjunct professor of law.
Jack Perry
Partner, TNTP
Former deputy chief, academic enrichment, School District of Philadelphia. Founder and former executive director, Prestige Academy Charter School.
Thère du Pont
President, Longwood Foundation
Former president and CFO, Wawa Inc.; former senior vice president for operations and CFO for Member, board of directors of DuPont Co., WSFS Bank, and Burris Logistics.
Jim Kelly
Chairman, CRED Technologies
Former chief operating officer of ING Direct
Samanta Lopez
Education Department Chair, Delaware Technical Community College
Former world language educator, school leader, professor, and international speaker
Jocelyn Stewart
Board member; retired from Barclays
As the work of First State Educate progresses, so will the size and scope of our board. We look forward to engaging many more points of view — family members, educators, school leaders, students, and community members.