Navigating the complexities of school board governance can be overwhelming. A wealth of information exists, but sorting through it to identify accurate and reliable guidance is time-consuming and frustrating.

FSE is launching the Center for School Board Excellence in Governance to simplify your journey. Our mission is to provide school board members with the tools and knowledge necessary to lead with confidence and integrity. By offering comprehensive, expertly curated resources, we aim to set the standard for exceptional school board performance. 

Elevate your school board’s performance by accessing curated resources designed specifically for school board members. We are working with leading experts from across the nation - and here in Delaware - to create a robust online learning platform that provides school board members with essential skills and knowledge. Our first set of courses will focus on:

  • Parlimentarian Procedures

  • Ethical Decision Making

  • Financial Management  

Stay tuned for additional resources as we expand our offerings to meet the evolving needs of school board members.

We're excited to introduce our inaugural webinar, “Successful School Board Meeting Practices.” This session will highlight the importance of following rules of order in school board meetings. Our experts will demonstrate how parliamentary procedures can boost meeting efficiency, minimize conflicts, and elevate the quality of discussions and decision-making. This webinar is designed to help school boards turn meetings into productive and collaborative experiences.

Join us in setting a new standard of excellence for school board meetings.

Whether you're currently serving on a board or aspire to do so in the future, understanding best practices is essential for effective leadership. Strong leadership is crucial to driving positive change in our education system and improving outcomes for students.