Mini-Grants for School Board Members.

FSE is excited to announce an innovative new mini-grants initiative. FSE’s mini-grants program is designed to support Delaware school boards in their efforts to enhance governance, strengthen community ties, and tackle local educational challenges. Mini-grants provide school board members with the resources needed to create innovative solutions, engage in professional development, and strengthen their leadership capacities.


This program reflects FSE’s commitment to understanding and addressing the unique needs of each district. By facilitating school boards’ access to targeted resources and support, we aim to empower school board members to develop effective strategies tailored to their communities. FSE will collect lessons learned from mini-grant projects to ensure that school board members across Delaware can benefit from their colleagues’ learnings, insights, and experiences.


The rubric for the FSE Mini Grants Program is designed to evaluate applications based on a comprehensive set of criteria that emphasize the potential impact and alignment with FSE's objectives. The evaluation process will assess the clarity and detail of applicant qualifications, district analysis, and the definition of the issue or challenge being addressed. Additionally, the rubric will consider how well the proposed project supports professional development or community engagement, the logical use of funds, the detail and justification of the budget, the strength of the project timeline, and the robustness of the evaluation plan. Applications will be scored on a scale, with those demonstrating the highest potential for impact and alignment receiving the strongest consideration.

Please submit your questions about your application here.

The 2024 Application Window has closed. Please check back next year.